Cawthon Family // Albuquerque Family Photographer

I feel like I say this often, but this seriously might be one of my favorite sessions to date. The colors, the light, the family dynamic....

large family photography cinnamon wolfe photography

Despite the crazy winds that were going on at the time of this session, we had a ridiculously good time. I have known Melinda since HIGH SCHOOL. She is just as much fun now as she was then and her family is ridiculously fun as well, as I suspected they would be! Her boys were such good sports and had a great time making her (and me) laugh throughout the whole session. 

This family is all about baseball, so see if you can spot the hidden baseball that made its way into some of the photos. Oh and the "pre-jump" photos are always my favorite as well!!! I almost prefer them to the actual jumping photo! HA!

Melinda, THANK YOU for letting me spend this time with your family and capturing memories that you will cherish for a lifetime!! 

Padilla Family // Albuquerque Family Photographer

This was my fifth and almost last session while in Albuquerque and boy was I glad that we had agreed to meet at Bachechi open space. Not only is this area beautiful and functional, but it has a wonderful grove of tall trees with lots of pathways. Why was this so beneficial? The WIND was crazy blowing on this Sunday. However, in the middle of all these trees you can hardly tell. 

family of six photography cinnamon wolfe photography

The last time I was in Albuquerque, the same thing happened on my last Sunday in town. Maybe I need to stop scheduling sessions on Sundays? Ha! Although it really didn't matter because we were hiding in the trees from all the nasty wind. 

I have known the Padillas for what seems like forever. Really from when I was in High School. Thank goodness for facebook that we have been able to reconnect and stay connected all these years. 

I was so excited when they wanted to bring their dog as well! I love the pups and since I consider mine a part of my family I love including them in the family shots to commemorate memories of our four legged family members.