Behind the Scenes of a Styled Wedding Session // NJ Wedding Photographer
/Yesterday I talked a little bit about the collaboration I had with Michelle of Michelle Perez Events and the styled wedding session that we shot last month! Today you get to see a little bit of a sneak behind the curtain of everything that went on that day!!
In all transparency, this was my very FIRST styled session!! One of the things I was MOST excited about in moving to NJ was the potential opportunity to actually shoot a styled session. When I was in Ridgecrest, I think we had one flower shop and pretty much zero wedding venues. Everyone got married out of town. So the opportunities for putting something like this together was much slimmer. But here in NJ, the opportunities are literally ENDLESS.
I will go into more detail once I actually post the final images, but here is a sneak of all of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes on the day of!
Paul is AMAZING as always and came with me to assist, get some behind the scenes shots and additional shots to add to the set. He is always and forever will be my "test the light" model. He was feeling frisky and giving me some groovy dance moves at the beginning and then by the time it came to sit in the couch I think he might have been a little more "over it". ha!

Why is he wearing that crazy hat you ask? Well, it was a balmy 25 degrees the day we did this session!! It might have been 30 in the direct sun! It was a great thing we did have sun that day, but let me tell you, it was freaking freezing!! I give Jennifer (our lovely model) mad props for hanging out like such a trooper in those cold temps!
One thing that I totally didn't think of beforehand was how many people would be around during the shoot itself. Its usually just me and the couple or whomever I'm shooting. And then we got there and I was like, duh! Of course there will be people around!
The shop owner from European Bridal NJ was awesome and making sure the dress was good and spread out beautifully and the make up artist and Michelle's assistant were on hand as well in case we needed anything.
Paul had speakers on him so we could have some upbeat music during the shoot and this is what happens when you randomly tell your model to do the Superman. ha!
Busy, busy, busy!

My little stool doesn't have a fun name like Amy & Jordans (Julio the Stoolio) but maybe I should give it one? Any suggestions?

I looove the shot that Paul got of me above through the window. That guy is just so creative. And this shot below is one of my all time favorites from the day. I love the story it tells of me doing my job. It's not always about just clicking a shutter.
I hope you enjoyed this little peek behind the scenes and I can't wait to share more of the FINAL images from this shoot next week!