Chris + Chelsea // NJ Anniversary Session
/Even though at times, social media can make us want to tear our hair out (schedule posts! brand images! maintain consistency! encourage engagement! and on and on and on...) it also has an amazing power to bring people together in awesome ways that simply wouldn't be possible without it!
I met Chelsea in a Tuesdays Together group and instantly loved chatting with her. She also moved to New Jersey recently and is an creative business owner and designer! I was so happy to have connected with her and when she suggested Princeton campus for their one year anniversary session I was elated! I hadn't been down to the campus yet, but c''s PRINCETON!
And let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint!!
We met on a Sunday afternoon and despite how BUSY the campus was, we were able to find some amazing spots to create some beautiful memories commemorating their first year of marriage! We hardly even scratched the surface of the campus and I'm still dying over how beautiful it was. I can not wait to go back there and shoot again!
Paul and I had such a great time with these two and even shared dinner afterward where we had the quietest waitress in existence in a decently loud restaurant. It was almost a challenge for us to figure out exactly what she was saying. Our cheeks hurt afterward from laughing so much.
Thanks for a great afternoon you guys and we will hopefully see you for a game soon??? ;-)