Wetzel Family // Ridgecrest Family
/The best quote EVER happened during the Wetzel family photo shoot.
"Is that blood or is it pizza sauce?"
You KNOW we had a good time when sentences like this get tossed around.
Even though we did have a little bit of a skinned ankle due to a minor trip and fall, smiles were still big and bright!
This family has been making me laugh pretty much our whole time living in Ridgecrest. Every single member of this family is full of life, energy, silliness and LOVE. Mike and Leisha's love and passion for their kids, (and everyone elses kids as well) is almost infectious. They are always there to lend a hand, share experiences, offer encouragement and be a light in our community. Emily, Rachel and Chloe have grown so much in our few years here and it has been so fun to be a part of their lives. I love the way this family loves each other and I am so blessed to know them and call them friends! I am so happy we were able to get together. We had SUCH a fun session even though there might have been a little bit of blood. That's what band-aids are for right? ;-)