The Merrifields // NJ Family Photographer
/Ryan and Maddy are two of my favorite people on the planet. Their covenant story is near and dear to my heart due to a long fulfilling friendship that has grown throughout the years. When I found out they were coming out East to visit with Maddy's parents in NY, I started counting down the days until we would be able to see them (and their newest addition) again!
About 6 1/2 years ago I distinctly remember seeing that Ryan was "in a relationship" on facebook and couldn't wait to find out who this new special girl was. 5 years ago, we celebrated their union as man and wife in a beautiful ceremony at Lake George, NY. We have done life with them in small group, we have prayed with them, laughed uncontrollably with them, cried big fat tears of heartache with them and ate some seriously amazing waffles with them. (Seriously, we visited them in their new town of Eugene, OR last summer and went to this waffle place that I can't stop thinking about. I don't think Maddy liked it all that much, but I dream about them!)
When I found out that Ryan and Maddy were going to be parents it was honestly just like any other day for me. You see, I always knew they would be parents.
They were made for this.
God's plan and timing is always perfect and even though most of the time we have no idea what is going on, I feel like He gave me a glimpse into their future. I never doubted for a minute that they would have a sweet bundle (or two, or three) to love on. Now that Mabel is here, the joy is immutable.
These images serve double duty. Celebrating and acknowledging 5 years of covenant between two people who understand fully what the covenant relationship is all about. The strand of three cords is not easily broken. Through joy, laughter, uncertainty, utter heartbreak, complacency, exhilaration, success and failure, they hold hands and tackle it together knowing the promises of God are not forgotten.
And Mabel. Sweet, sweet Mabel. A tiny blessing for so many big hearts who have prayed for her for so long. She is loved deeply and is in amazing hands to grow and learn and live an amazing life filled with joy and peace.
Love you guys...<3