Chatman Family // Ridgecrest Family Photographer
/As I write blog posts about all of my recent sessions, I am reminded of how blessed Paul and I are to be living in Ridgecrest. Even though it was a huge shock when we got the news we were coming here, even though I complain about it a LOT and don't make my excitement in moving a secret....we have been immensely blessed during our time here. The main reason is the people. The people and families that God has put into our lives while we have been here.
The Chatmans are one of those families. I hear a lot of photographers complain about having friends for clients. I am dumbfounded by this. I am so happy to have so many close friends who are also my clients. I know their families in a way that helps me photograph them better. We are all a little more relaxed and I think that shows.
I loved how fun and colorful their outfits were for this session. The boys were a riot and I even tried out a new technique on them. In the very last picture in this post, I had my shutter open for around 4 seconds and told the boys to run around mom and dad. It took a few tries and we had to actually slow them down because in the first few shots, they didn't show up at all!! I think next time I try it I will slow them down even more to have them show up a little better. Either way, they had a great time and I love all of these images from their session. They haven't had family pictures done since the smallest guy was not even born yet! And he is not so small anymore!