A look back at 2014
/As I was going through the entire year of files upon files upon files, looking for my favorite images from this year, I became overwhelmingly overwhelmed. When 2014 began I had no idea all of the amazing things that would transpire. I had some goals, and there were some specific things I wanted to accomplish. Part of me was nervous that everything would just fall apart and I would become interested in something else and no one would want to hire me.
Things could not have ended up more different. My passion for photography grew and grew. I learned more than I thought possible and realized just how much I still have to learn. I had many repeat clients as well as more new ones than I ever saw coming. I became more confident while at the same time continuing to battle that ever present artistic "fear" that I won't measure up, that my work will be viewed as ho-hum and that I will never be able to accomplish the dreams that I think about often.
I was able to document moments that I never expected. A ballet studio, a graduation, the milky way, a gorgeous wedding, a birth. I spent time with so many families and laughed and ran and spent many a next day stretching my sore leg muscles. I captured emotion. I documented memories. The images on this page seem never ending, but I remember every single one of them in vivid detail.
2014 was an amazing year. There were things I am extremely proud of and many things I wish I did better. As 2015 arrives and along with it a lot of uncertainty and change, I could not be more excited to take what 2014 taught me and make 2015 ridiculously successful for me personally, my business and my clients. Happy New Year!!